Managers make rules but Leaders break rules.

It’s not about purposely breaking rules, just have the courage to break away from tradition, think outside the box, and shake things up which then leads to new success. The difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have people who work for them. A successful business owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their vision of success. In today’s constantly changing business world, many of the rules that guided previous generations of managers may no longer apply, or at least, be as relevant; otherwise, they will get stuck. ‘Alistair Smith once said’, ‘Getting stuck is not a problem. Staying stuck is. Good learners practice getting unstuck,’

For example – years ago, 404 Peugeot was the eyes and demand of the people, but as the world advances; they refuse to move on with the world by breaking their rules to redesign and modernize their car, until other car companies with their strategic plan rise and take over the market place, today I can grantee you that 404 Peugeot is not good to go, unless they rise and do something better.

Secondly, I was delayed because of traffic jams to get some fish my wife will use for her restaurant the next day because it is everyday sales, Fish market has closed. And I went to the super-market and they are about to close according to their rule. I went to the manager to ask for a help. Luckily to me the CEO (Leader) of the supper-market was there. The manager said no according to their rules. But the CEO (Leader) brake the rule at that moment and attend to me, I succeeded getting what I want and Since then, because of that acts, the Supper-market gain me, and I become their buyer.

Many people have done amazing things in the past; but they are struggling in the present to be awesome again. The same applicable to the Christian community; when new dimensions of doing things are initiated. People will raise alarm that this is not the way of doing it. But God is dynamic, not monotonous and it hinders growth.

If you’re not breaking rules on a regular basis, many other competitors will take over the market place and your buyers. So look, listen, change and take risk”

The task of managers and supervisors can no longer be just seeing that things get done in a timely manner. They have to do more than that!
Rather, effective managers today must be committed to do new things and do routine things in new ways. It comes down to breaking some long standing rules of managing people and organizations. Here are some examples.

1) Old rule: Strive to maintain the status quo, but react quickly when change happens.
New rule: Don’t wait for change to hit you. Anticipate it, plan for it, and make it happen on your terms.

2) Old rule: Management’s job is to make decisions.
New rule: Management’s job is to facilitate decisions made by those closest to the customer or the situation.

3) Old rule: Avoid conflict at all cost. People can’t handle it.
New rule: Create conditions that get people to grapple with different perspectives which will lead to better solutions and results.

4) Old rule: Tell employees what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
New rule: Give employees the resources and support they need. Then stand back and let them do their jobs.

Management Success Tip:

Letting go of rules that have served you well can be difficult, but holding on to them can be fatal. Don’t allow yourself or your people to get comfortable with the status quo. Don’t get stuck thinking that what’s made us successful so far will continue to make us successful in the future.


Virtually every country, churches, families or organisation have put certain procedures or rules in place for others to follow. Even medical practitioners have procedures on how treatment and operation need to be done.

But in many cases God as CEO (Leader) breaks protocols by suspending human laws, natural laws and even divine laws in order to distinguish a person he loves for the progress of the kingdom
The book of Esther 4:9-11
Told us that the law that was in place at the time was that unless the king sends for you, you can’t come before him. Even if you are his wife, This was the protocol in place for seeing the king and if you didn’t follow this rule, you would be put to death .

Another example is Sarah, the bible says Sarah has passed the age of child bearing but God break the natural law to bless her with a child even at her very old age. Gen 17: 17 and Gen 21:2.
When God steps in to help you, great opportunities and promotion comes knocking at your door. God will overrule the procedures and process of men to distinguish you. When God spirit lives in you, you will continue to do things that ordinarily you are not qualified to do.


1) You must be consumed with zeal to make a difference in your job, community, church, ministry, family, marriage, academy or relationship. Etc. Which encourage hard work!

2) You must be ready to get out of your comfort zone either by prayer and fasting more, praising God more or giving towards the things of God and to the poor.

3) You must have an intimate relationship with God and avoid sin. Remember to avoid sin you must be brutal.

Why do we need God to break protocol for us? For Divine qualification pointing at progress of the kingdom and Divine speed. Why do we need braking of rules in our business? For business to grow faster and to avoid getting stock

Wisdom is mightier than strength

Fly unlimited.


  1. “Letting go of rules that have served you well can be difficult, but holding on to them can be fatal.” Amen to that. I’m struggling with this in my personal life at the moment, things I know must change but I’m not letting go of the old to bring in the new.


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