Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners! It is very abusive to call someone a loser, just as it is not good to call someone unworthy but negative people are unworthy people, so it is, it is very important to understand that there are people who are losers! In our society, there is a key difference between being winners and losers. Being a WINNER is what symbolizes success, but being a loser represents failure. Victory is the ultimate factor and we live and die by it. We don’t tolerate failure and it isn’t an option. If somebody fails in our society he or she is automatically deemed as “unsuccessful”.

The difference between winners and losers are that Winner makes commitments; but Loser makes promises. Winners have dreams; Losers have schemes. Winners say, “I must do something”; Losers say, “Something must be done.” Winners are a part of the team; Losers are apart from the team. Losers accept things the way it is; Winners are very ambitious and driven about what they want to achieve. They don’t take no for answer and their passion is fuel that keep them going.

You don’t need to be grumpy over what life is showing you, life cannot show you what you want but what you deserve. There is only one choice in life. To accept conditions the way it is, OR to take responsibility and change it. There are qualities of champions which set them apart and help them win in every sphere of life personally, professionally and spiritually.

Maybe it’s time to focus on doing what’s necessary to win ourselves, don’t you think?
Winning is not an action, it is a lifestyle. Losers let things happen, champions (winners) make things happen. (E.g) In God’s field, many are busy taking God to height, while others are busy criticising, even though, they are not better than those who they criticise! Moreover, ‘Many are busy making news while many are busy making noise!

History makers, innovators and inventors of solution does not seat down and count the inventions they have invented, they are busy generating insight to create more. But the opposite party which i called the losers are busy watching those champions, counting and broadcasting the championship of the winners for them.

• When you come into the house of comedians; The celebrity and the one who is doing hard job are the comedian, while other ones can only clap, laugh and screams.
• In the business filed, the rich people are busy investing their money, but poor people are busy consuming theirs and counting the investment of the rich people for them.
• In the football field, the footballers are busy making history, while others are busy clapping, screaming and making noise!

Winners win in every aspect of life. It is much more of a lifestyle, rather than an action. Winners don’t always succeed, just like everybody else. But their attitude and mind-set still make them come out on top eventually. For real, being a winner is about having winning habits and a positive mind-set, which helps not only you, but also the people around you.

For example, you can easily list a few habits you’d rather associate with losers, than with winners, like beating yourself up mentally, smoking, procrastinating, being lazy and wasteful with your time and always worried about the future. To become a winner, strive to remove those habits and replace them with winning ones, like exercising regularly, managing your time well, taking up a side project, staying positive, enjoying your leisure time to the fullest. This will make your own life a whole lot better and you’ll inspire others to become winners as well.

Losers let things happen, winners make things happen.
“I guess I’ll just see what happens.”

How many times have you said that? Or heard a friend say it?

This little sentence is like a signed agreement to hand over the controls for your own life to someone else. The people who just “wait and see” end up letting things happen, as opposed to winners, who make things happen.

But when you let other people decide what happens for you, you’ll end up frustrated and bitter, because none of the things you wanted came true – because you didn’t implement them!

Winners have this crazy belief that they are in charge of their life.

Yes, there is always luck involved in everything we do.

Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.

Stop being a bystander in your own life.

Instead of just attending events, organize them. Instead of watching TV, create your own show. Instead of looking at pictures on Instagram, upload them. When you go to Tik-Tok, you will understand it more. Take the reins of your life into your own hands and you’ll feel a sense of control, like a true winner.

Again i said, it seems wrong to call anybody a loser because we might make them feel bad about themselves. But the reality is that there are winners in life, and there are losers in life. One of the most important things you can do specifically in Developing and Deploying your greatness is to decide that you want to be a winner. Winning and losing don’t happen only in the sports world, where it is on display and easily understood. It happens in life. Winners know that to achieve success in this world, they will have to at one time or another face failure. So rather than being afraid of failure, they embrace it and learn from it. Winners use failure to motivate themselves even further.

Denis Waitley said, ‘Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing’.
Winning and losing are everyday choices. Seek to know the difference between winning and losing so you can stay on the Win side of life.

Here’s 14 ways to stay on the winning side of life:

• Winners have Passion. Losers are always looking for passion.
• Winners have a Vision for what they want. Losers hope they will find something they like.
• Winners learn from their mistakes. Losers repeat the same mistakes.
• Winners look for ways to Grow. Losers see no need to grow.
• Winners fail and say, “There must be a better way!” Losers fail and quit.
• Winners think, “If it’s hard, it must be worth it.” Losers say, “If it’s this hard, it must not be right.”
• Winners see the end from the beginning. Losers see the end at the beginning.
• Winners focus on possibilities. Losers focus on obstacles.
• Winners are givers. Losers are takers.
• Winners are consistent in good things and develop good habits. Losers are consistent in bad things and develop bad habits.
• Winners do unto others as they would like others to do unto them. Losers do unto others before they can do it to them.
• Winners are committed to the success of others. Losers are out for themselves.
• Winners say, “You never fail until you stop trying.” Losers say, “I tried once, failed, and I will never try that again.”
• Winners find a way to Win. Losers find a way to lose.

It is very important for you to understand that there are always Winners and Losers.

More over on Winners vs losers

The winners is always a part of the answer. The loser is always a part of the problem.

The winner always has a program. Loser always has an excuse.

The winner says “Let me do it for you”. The loser says “It’s not my job”.

The winner says it may be difficult but it is possible. The loser says it may be possible but it is too difficult.

The winner sees an answer for every problem. The loser sees problem for every answer.

Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things. Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.


Fly unlimited


  1. Good morning

    Thank you for this view and it is interesting thoughts to digest.

    I just wanted to asked if you meant clap in the following sentence “while other ones can only crap, laugh and screams. and I hope you don’t mind me pointing out that a few of these “I” read “i”

    Regards Henrietta (HensBlooms)


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