It is not good to call someone unworthy, but the truth is that negative people are unworthy people, they drain you._Divine-Royalty.

Quality is far better than Quantity. It’s iron that sharpens iron, wood cannot. Listen to wisdom he or she who love success. Your friends should be sharpening you, and make you better than you are, That is how to know the Right People

Who you spend your time with has a great impact on your life, There are people in this life who can inspire you and make you better. If you’re spending time with the wrong people, you won’t meet the right people, You’ll get stuck, because they will confuse you more, convince you and convert you to whom they are.

You can’t hang out with chickens and expect to soar like eagles, Other qualities rub off on you, It’s time to make a change, You won’t become who you were created to be if you don’t make changes, Spirits are transferable.

If you hang out with gossipers, you’ll definitely become one. That stingy spirit will get off on you. But If you hang around excellent people, excellence will rub off on you, Those same good qualities will become a part of your life.

Make sure people have the qualities that you want. desire the best, growth begins from desire. Moreover, keep in check with your own character if you desire a change, you will know by the kind of people that is around you because you attract who you are.

Stay with the People that inspire you to go further, A man I know has a friend that treats his wife so great, It inspires the man to treat his wife better. We shouldn’t hang out with people who are disrespectful to their spouses. We have to set boundaries with other negative people like addicted complainers and energy suckers etc

If someone is always negative, critical, finding fault, then they’re not for you. Fault founder never see anything good about people, only their mistakes. Be selective. Life is too short to waste time hanging with the wrong people. People without integrity always have a problem. Surround yourself with eagles.

“Proverbs 28:7 Young people who obey the law are wise, those with wild friends bring shame to their parents”. People who aren’t adding value to your life. You may be lonely for a season but God will bring you somebody better.

“Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with the wise will become wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed”. “Psalm1 said, don’t sit inactive in the pathway of the ungodly”.

What if they hurt their feelings? What if you miss your destiny? Don’t keep going to the gym with the same people who are causing you to compromise. A man I know met a companion in same field, and they decided to start a business together, He who is swimming in the ocean of blindness May not know until his eyes is open.

Here is 7 things negative people will do to you. They will

  1. Demean your value
  2. Destroy your image
  3. Drive you crazily!
  4. Dispose your dreams!
  5. Discredit your imagination!
  6. Deframe your abilities and
  7. Disbelieve your opinions!

Stay away from negative people! I never said it’s not God that create all, even Satan is created by God but choose to be a good person. Creative like God who create you, and stay away from people that will make you not to fulfill your purpose, because God created you here to do something.

That why a great man said that grave yard is the richest place because there is where unfulfilled dream were buried. Dying without fulfilling your purpose is like a baby aborted from the womb.

Fly unlimited.


  1. Excellent article yes you are right we should avoid negative people and the points are correct but very often we can’t understand the right people! Well shared thanks 👌👍

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