It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you are ready. I have this feeling that actually no-one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. “Hugh Laurie”

How many green light do you need before you ever proceed?, we will regret things we do not do than things we do and fail, and we must not underestimate our God given potential. The Universe feeds all the birds in the world, but what it does not do is drop the food in their nests. You want something? Go get it! Application of knowledge is Wisdom! “Yulia Lipovka” said, When there is time, there is no money… And when there is money, there is no time… So, if you don’t want to have regrets in this life, do it when you have either of them, don’t wait for both!

There is a fire burning in every individual life, you may call it the fire of vision or aspiration, “I call it champion” but if you are not spiritual sensitive to catch the vocabulary and the direction it is dropping on the inside of you to take decisive action immediately and delay his move, the fire may likely burns out. And when it happen, you may end up not following the direction that is given to you and you may even end up following another people idea, because delay led to decay,

Immediately means now and now is this time. Never take time for granted, life can change in the blink of an eye. There may be many good ideas which you may have generated during your thinking time. Why do you keep procrastinating? A great man says, good ideas is like a baby crying in the church and must be carried out immediately! Today is the tomorrow you pray about yesterday!What do you have in your plan list? Don’t you have one? Shame.

Life will not give you what you want but what you deserve! Life is like going to the grocery store (super market) If you don’t have a list before you go, you may end up leaving without the stuff you want and with a load of stuff you do not want, though, it may be important, but urgent must be attended to before important.

We all have our hopes and dreams. Maybe it’s a trip you want to take, a book you want to write, a song you want to sing, a skill you want to learn, a relationship you want to heal, or a marriage you want to go into.

Hopefully we all have a plan list. The problem is that we’re always thinking, I will do it later, there is still time. Many has delayed the innovation they would have invented to decorate our world and we keep waiting until the grave yard rub that wonderful potential they would have unleashed.

Listen to this Newsflash: Never take time for granted. 
The book of Proverbs says, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” And if you need further proof, I will still repiet myself that Life can change in the blink of an eye.

The sad thing is that we waste so much of life’s fleeting moments by doing things like complaining. 

We complain about our friends, like-“my friend did not help me, because we refuse to believe in ourselves and take action in pursuing our enviable future

We complain that our uncle is wicked, he don’t want to help me: and many has grow up to be another people’s uncle and has not done anything for them

We complain about our parents simple because you want to remain baby mama or baby papa and then miss the precious years we have left with them. Forgetting that they have empowered you with the knowledge of their own little capacity and it is left for you to maximize it to be using your own ingenuity

We complain about our kids and refuse to build an asset that will be producing for you when your bone is no longer strong, and in the blink of an eye, they’re grown and gone. And visit you only when they have chance

We complain about getting old and taint the years we still have to enjoy life. 

We can complain our way through an entire life. And then it’s gone and never to return.

Maybe you’ve let your relationship fizzle out. Maybe you feel your dreams have faded or your sense of joy has disappeared

Many of us are walking this earth physically alive but dead of spirit, operating at the level of our social security number, existing but not living. May it never be you!

Time is ticking . . .
Whatever is important to you, whatever you feel passionate about doing in this life, don’t take time for granted. Don’t waste the gift you’ve been given. Take action immediately and do it NOW!

Figure out what is in your plan list . . . and take action immediately

Fly unlimited


  1. Procrastination takes away from so many……Loved this post! Wonderful reminder to live for the now and not wait for just the right moment that may NEVER happen. Thankful for the wisdom you share. God Bless you.

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