Time is what God give equal to everyone, no one can say I am cheated with time and that is why I am the way I am. So, Time is a unique resource in the sense that we all have exactly the same amount of it. No one can reverse time or replace time, no matter how you think of it, being poor, rich or influential.

How often have you said something like?
‘I don’t have time to do…’
‘If only I had more time I would…’
There just aren’t enough hours in the day……’
Have you ever stopped to think about time and how you use your time?

Despite this, relatively few people make the effort to learn about time management and how to make best use of their time
To manage your time well, you have to manage yourself

Time management is essentially about self-management. The principles are quite straightforward and you might say they are common sense. In fact, the first time I am invited to speak on time management. It appears so tricky a bit to me, because I see myself in a mirror over the topic then, of course everyone can speak, but I don’t want to be the part, after speaking without putting the principles into practice.

If you want to be a better time manager then you must be willing to change and commit to new habits. This takes a good deal of determination and self-discipline. But don’t be discouraged, there’s evidence to suggest that if you manage to stick to a new habit for 28 days, then it becomes second nature. The best approach is to adopt new habits incrementally rather than trying to change too much at once.

Here are some key principles to manage your time better

Time management means taking more control over how you spend your time and making sensible decisions about the way you use it. At work this usually means not wasting time on irrelevant things and focusing instead on the most important tasks. We’re all different and we all have different working styles, different things that motivate us and even different ways of wasting our time! A useful first step is to analyse your relationship with time. How do you use your time? Do you tend to work proactively or reactively? What are your time wasting habits? What things tend to throw you off track?

  1. Have a realistic plan for your day. Don’t just work on impulse, and don’t do try to do more than you can handle.
  2. Prioritize your work, and do the most important things first.
  3. Know what your distractions are, and take steps to control them (for example, switch off your phone).
  4. Start early, and keep on going, even when you feel discouraged or fed up.
  5. Know what’s irrelevant, and don’t waste your time on unproductive or pointless things.
  6. Switch between focused work and lots of short breaks.
  7. Be flexible if you meet with obstacles, or things don’t turn out the way you’d planned.

Fly unlimited


  1. Excellent advice! I need that one about setting realistic goals for the day. When I put too much on my To Do list for the day, I feel disappointed instead of satisfied, which does not help with motivation. Thanks for a great post!

    Liked by 3 people

    • In some cases, when your to-do list get longer during the day.

      It’s time to change approach.
      How can we do this?
      It’s time to make shorter to-do lists.

      Crossing things off as you finish them gives you a great sense of accomplishment. And this is a good because we want to feel accomplished. The problem is not crossing things off. Rather, the problem is the false sense of being productive by crossing something off.

      Our society has made being productive synonymous with being busy. Working long hours or always doing something is viewed as if you’re being productive.

      I teach my clients to do what I call a brain dump. Instead of using their to-do list as their dumping ground, they actually create a specific place for it. Just dump everything there, and then use that as a base to create either a daily or a weekly to-do list.

      Not just any to-do list…but one that is super short and focused.

      Suddenly, each item on the to-do list has a purpose. Each item can be lined up in order of priority and can be scheduled to be done that day or that week.

      More often than not, I choose to be in line with my values over the automatic response to the situation. It doesn’t happen every single time, but most.

      Knowing your own heart and your values gives you the freedom of choice. You can choose to be driven by what happens to you, or you can choose to live in line with your principles.

      The latter has helped me to overcome disappointments and negative situations in a healthy way. The challenge of disappointment allows me to practice living closer to my values, and stops me from being swallowed up by it.

      Thanks for your wonderful comment. Much love ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful post, articulately written.
    I admire your consistency and originality.
    Your tips remind me of habits of highly effective people.
    I am glad that we have people like you that make a difference and inspire others to do same.
    Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Time comprise every event in our lives:

    “Time is what we want most,
    but what we use worst.”- William Penn

    “Lost time is never found again.”

    – Benjamin Franklin

    “Time has told, Time is telling, *&* Time will tell again.”

    _-Van Prince

    Your post is priceless post!

    Liked by 1 person

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